Happy Birthday Mum


Posted on 15/01/2014, in Archie, Henry, Moggies, Oscar and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Can’t believe you’re already 25! Happy birthday!

  2. Happy happy birthday again Michelle love the cardie the boys made for you 🙂 bless em HUgs Fozziemum xxx

  3. Bowie says “Meow!” I’m sure it means “Happy Birthday, Michelle!”

  4. Happy Birthday Michelle! Hope all the boys in your life help make it a special one 😀

  5. 21 again 🙂 Have a wonderful birthday Michelle, loads of love and hugs xxxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. My husband is a nutter 🙂 thank you boys and everyone for the messages xx

  7. Happy Birthday dear Michelle. Have a wonderful day…I think your boys are ready for it 😉 Extra Pawkisses for the occasion 🙂

  8. Happy birthday Michelle, I hope you have a lovely birthday with presents and gifts and cake and treats – lots and lots of treats!!

  9. Happy Birthday Michelle, nice to see the boys remembered.


  10. Jumps out of the cake and squeals – “Happy Birthday!” Does a little twerkin and eats cake. XOXO – Bacon

  11. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    ((Husky hugz))
    “Love is being owned by a husky”

  12. Happy Birthday! Have a great day with your fabulous Boys!

  13. Happy Birthday Michelle. May your day be filled with love and joy.
    Sue B

  14. da tabbies o trout towne

    happy birthday shell…hope craig gets you a 2014 FURRareez car, convertible, sun roof, red
    and maybe a spare to do some buzzing around town for errands !!! enjoy your day, hope it’s a FUN one…don’t eat too much cake or mice creem 🙂 XXXXXXXXXX laura

  15. Happy Birthday to your Mum!!

  16. Happy Birthday Michelle. Purrs from all of us and a big Hallo from Dad!

    N many more…”
    Much lub to ya frum me Nylablue n me Mum Sherriellen.
    We wishez ya all da bes fer da year ahead n we iz so glad we nose ya!!!

  18. Happy Birthday, dear Michelle!! We wish you all the best! May all of your dreams come true! Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way! 😀 xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino ❤

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SWEET FRIEND!!!! I bet you and your manly men (human and furry) are having a lovely day taking it easy and just enjoying yourselves…..But don’t just make it about relaxing – throw some magic in there for fun – you deserve it for sure. Sending BIG HUGS and much love from across the pond…………..

    Pam (and of course Sammy!!)

  20. Thank you every one I have had a level day just chilling with friends popping in and overall being spoilt xxx

  21. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Michelle!

  22. Happy birthday Shell, hope you had a lovely day xx

  23. Sweet! Happy birthday! I hope you had some cake.

  24. Judy & C.A.T.S

    We hope you had a very Happy Birthday Michelle! Sorry we posted a day late. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  25. Mags Corner

    Happy Birthday and we hope you had a fantastic one. Sorry we are late. Hugs

  26. Happy Belated Birthday Michelle,xx Rachel and Speedy

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