
Hello everyone

It has been a while since we lost our beloved Oscar Puss and wanted to check in on what is going on in the household.

Archie is a moggie who still sleeps more then awake and still my shadow.  When I work in the office he is always on the desk now sleeping where Oscar used to be in the afternoons.  Archie’s fur has to be regularly brushed as he cannot wash everywhere like before as his flexibility is not what it used to be.  The old boy still loves his food and is now friends with Big Ben.

Big Ben has been with us 4 years in January and will be 11 years old next month.  The time has flown by and I can honestly say that even though he had many challenges in the beginning, with love and time he really feels at home here and safe.  Just wish he was ok with other people and animals, but like the behaviourist said ‘You have one grumpy old boy’.

Henry is now 12 years old and can now in recent weeks be in the same room as Big Ben.  He still meows when not happy, happy, hungry, thirsty, wants attention … you name it.  Still the baby of the house though 🙂

A much quieter house, however Craig and I keep reminding ourselves that Oscar had the best home as he was so spoilt and very much loved.

This Thursday we are in for a big treat and super excited to welcome the first blogger to ever like our blog and become dear friends with since over the blogging world Linda from  We cannot wait to meet her and I know she is so looking forward to finally meeting Archie, who she has always had a soft spot for.  We will keep you updated on the visit.

In the meantime hope all is well and you are taking good care of each other.  Type soon

My Three Moggies gang




About mythreemoggies

The every day life of three moggies living in the UK

Posted on 06/08/2019, in Moggies. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Good to have you back here! 🙂 I’m glad to hear that all is well with you. Of course, it’s sad that Oscar went over the rainbow bridge, but all the others are doing fine.
    Here, btw, we have a new furry member of the household, Harriet [ We found her in our garage a few weeks ago, and she immediately got herself into our hearts. Just now we’re trying to get her and the other four acquainted with each other. It’s working better and better, despite some fussing we hear once in a while.
    Take care, all of you, and stay well,

  2. So wonderful to get an update on you all! I knew Linda was coming for a visit as I saw her post on Facebook. I hope you all have a wonderful time catching up! Glad the boys are all getting along fairly well too….age sometimes mellows us but sometimes it goes in the opposite direction – so it’s GOOD that with your crew, things are OK. Enjoy your visit with Linda and her husband…………!!

    Hugs to everyone,
    Pam and Teddy too

  3. Sweet update. We always enjoy catching up with your house of love. Hugs to all the critters – furry and human. xo

  4. wavez two ewe all frum de land oh trout !!! we hope mum N dad haza awesum time with mom L and Dad P !!!! how kewl iz thiz 🙂 glad ta heer everee onez happee, healthee N sassee 😉

    N joy de vizit N yur summer time ~~~~


  5. I’m glad you are doing well and hope you have a nice visit.

  6. Good to hear from you. Enjoy your visit with Linda and Peter.

  7. 15andmeowing

    Thanks for the update. I am glad everyone is doing well. How cool you will meet Savannah’s mom. XO

  8. oh what fun you are all going to have! Enjoy!!! Kisses to Big Ben and fam!

  9. We are so glad you posted and we know it can be difficult after losing a dear fur. Things are bumping along here at the Tomcat Home and we hope you stop by and cat-ch up a little bit. Our Elder Buddy Budd says to Archie “It aint how fast ya be movin ur how farz it dat ya keepin moving Har Har Har.” Purrs that all keep moving and Mom and Dad do too.
    Timmy and Family

  10. I’m so glad to hear from you guys. I have a new blog, but you might remember me as Kittytales. I went from Kittytales to Harry the Wonder Cat, who has his own series now. I guess we all change throughout the years, but one thing remains the same…our love for our furbabies.
    Love to all, your new (and old) friend,
    Harry (and Denise or Kittytales)

  11. So glad to hear from you ! I just now got here from Savannah’s blog because I was having a problem woth email when you first posted this. Thanks for the update.

  1. Pingback: Friday memes for Friday smiles | Savannah's Paw Tracks

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