Blog Archives

Oscar being bossy

Oscar knows what he wants and lets you know 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

Happy Caturday with Oscar

Mum loves the different sounds Oscar makes 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

A purr-fect story… or two

Dad’s been playing on the internet… and he found this incredible story.
We wonder what the customer would’ve made of Archie’s purr!

Customer: “Excuse me. I have a question, and I know these nice ladies are really pushing for these cats to be adopted, so I’m afraid they won’t be honest.”
Me: “Oh, sure. What can I help you with?”
Customer: “This cat… it’s vibrating. Is that supposed to happen?”
Me: “Yeah, it’s purring. That means it’s happy.”

Yep, we're probably purring here...

Yep, we’re probably purring here…

But do you know how the cat got his purr?
Well, once upon a time a King and Queen gave birth to a baby daughter.
But an old witch who read the Queen’s fortune told them a dire story: “You will bear a daughter and she will be strong and healthy.
“However, she will fall dead if she ever gives her hand in marriage to a prince. Heed my advice. Find three pure white cats, with not a single black hair upon them, and let them grow up with your child.
“Give the cats balls of two types to play with – balls of gold and balls of linen thread. If they ignore the gold and play with the linen, all will be well, but should they ignore the linen and choose the gold, beware!”
The King and Queen were so upset they banished the witch, but her warning weighed heavily on them.
The King’s subjects offered him cats of all kinds, from tabbies to tortoiseshells, ginger toms to black kittens.
But it took three years of searching to find three white cats without a single black hair. The three cats loved their young mistress and she adored them.
As the months turned into years, the linen balls continued to be the only toys the cats chose to play with. The gold balls lay dusty and forgotten.
When the Princess was old enough to spin the cats were as happy as she was. They leaped at the wheel as it turned and at the thread as the princess spun it.
She begged them to stop, but they wouldn’t.
At 16, the Princess was very beautiful and princes came to see her from all over the land. But she was happy to live with her cats,
One day, however, a prince arrived who was good and charming, wise and handsome, and the princess fell deeply in love with him.
The three white cats were in the tower room playing with the linen balls, but no sooner had the Prince and Princess professed their love for each other, they noticed the gold balls for the first time ever and began to play with them.
But it wasn’t the princess who became ill, but the Prince.
Desperate, the Princess sought out the old witch, who said there was only one thing she could do: spin ten thousand skeins of pure white linen thread before midwinter’s day.
It was an impossible task as only 27 days remained before midwinter’s day. No hand but hers could spin the thread or the Prince would die.
The Princess worked non-stop, but she knew she had no chance and burst into tears.
Her three cats sat by her feet to comfort and console her.
“If you only knew what was wrong I know you’d help me if you could,” she said to the three silent white cats at her feet.
To her amazement, one of the three placed its front paws on her knee, stared into the princess’s face, opened its mouth and said: “We know what is needed and we know how to help you.
“Cats have no hands, only paws, so we can do the spinning for you and it will not break the terms of the prophecy. Now we must get to work for there is little time left.”
The cats span rapidly and beautifully, and the skeins increased in number. Each time one was finished, the Prince’s health improved and on midwinter’s eve ten thousand skeins were ready.
The old witch was amazed and told the Princess to be sure and show her gratitude to her faithful cats.
The Princess loved her cats and gave them all her glittering jewels, which they loved to play with.
On her wedding day, they sat in places of honour on magnificent velvet cushions, each with a necklace of precious stones around its neck.
As the feast continued, the three cats curled up contentedly on their cushions and fell asleep.
From all three came loud, contented purring. This was the reward the cats had received for their work.
Though no cat would ever again speak, all cats would purr like the whirr and hum of a spinning wheel…

I will not be moved

Archie does not like me working 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

Motor engine Archie

This cat certainly likes to show the world he is happy 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

His purr might not quite be Smokey-ing, but Archie has some powerful decibels

We all know that Archie is just purr-fect, but a Tweet last week got us thinking: ‘Just how loud is his purr?’ Read the rest of this entry

Relaxed moggie

Photos say it all 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

Sun is shining purrrrrrrrr

Sun is shining cats will make the most of that much needed sleep. Read the rest of this entry

Walk and Pig-out

I walk, travel and pig-out

Pit's Fritztown News

A German Expat's Life in Fredericksburg/Texas


pet transport services: UK, Europe & overseas

Daily Feline Wisdom

Wise cats help you be more like them

Daily adventures of living with a bunch of cats

Jackie's Photos

A photographic account of my holidays and maybe some other photos too.

unConfirmed Bachelorette

Proudly living alone with cats

running in t shirt

a running explorer of this planet

Catwoods Porch Party

~ CATS, art, nature, animals, science, weather. Painter at heart ~

My Three Moggies

The everyday lives of Archie, Oscar and Henry...


Welcome to the world of cats!


All things Cairn...Snapshots of my Cairn Terrier, Trev & Caring For Your Senior Dog


For marathon runners who want to know in beginners terms

Usyaka and Pirate

Photos of the Oriental Shorthair cat Usyaka and her companion Pirate the cat.


A Doll's life


Life in Rural Australia


Adventures of Bacon and Friends


Me and my Granny

Bad Cat Chris

The Baddest Cat You'll Ever Love


The life of Bongo

Rescued Rover Dog Training

Lakewood, Colorado Dog Training (720) 507-6837

The Canadian Cats

Meezers At Large

Service Cats U.S.

The Lives and Training of Service Cats

Living the Squeak Life

We're a group of guinea-pigs and we are living the "squeak" life!

Me, You and Zu

Life with a baby, dogs, crazy cats & all the fiascos that come with it!

Playful Kitty

Cats, Tips, and Catnip Trips

Blues Lounge

A Great Place for Russian Blues

Diary of the cat at work

a record of my busy life

Purrfect Kitties

Roxy & Tigerlino's Silly Blog

Everyday Adventures in Havachon Heaven

The Good, Crazy, & Adorable Life of One Havachon Puppy

Reflections of a Shaddow

Thoughts and feelings of a black cat.

Bailey Boat Cat

Adventures of a feline afloat!

Some Animals are Crackers

Silly, weird, crazy & cute animals

Leo Land SV

Feline Musings From the Northern Rim of Silicon Valley

Mickey Math

Calculating the happiest place.

Luke's Adventures

AKA - Mischievous Hijinks


Life, Art and Other Bits

Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

French humanologist, globetrotter kitty: The life of a Parisian cat whose human immigrated to America

the garden cat

Gwendolen's new leaf

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!

Basil's Blog

Keeping you updated about the life of a famous pooch.