Moggie Monday – Dogs vs Cats: Who rules the internet?

Here’s one to get you debating: The Guardian says cats kick dogs furry bums on the internet – and even explains why!
Now, you can guess which side of this equation we moggies fall – but fur friends, it is time to pick a side and prepare for the most crazy bark filled, paw waving, meow making chase ever.
We want you to say who you think rules the internet: Dogs or Cats!

Cats vs Dogs

As we said The Guardian has well and truly pinned its colours to the mast: catz rule ok!
It says our doggy friends just try ‘too hard’ to impress, while us kitties display the kind of uber-cool, don’t-give-a-stuff cattitude the woofers will never get.
As they say: ‘It is cool, and effortless, and devoid of any concern about what you might think about it. It is art for art’s sake.’
So come on felines and hounds alike; we want to know why you think you’re the best!
And remember, we may be looking down on all you dogs from our Guardian approved throne but we love you really – or at least we would if we could be bothered to care enough!

Meet Dances with Dogs


We interrupt this look round the internet, to bring you some more cat versus dog news!
This week, Oscar has been exploring next door’s house – uninvited and with Kendo the Alsatian and Kirby the Labrador being on guard.
He managed to escaped unharmed and we are now calling him by his new Cherokee Indian name: Dances with Dogs!
So we have a second question for you today: what’s the bravest thing your pet has done and… what would their Cherokee Indian name be!?!

About mythreemoggies

The every day life of three moggies living in the UK

Posted on 24/03/2014, in Archie, Henry, Moggie Monday, Moggies, Oscar and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. In our household the cats definitely rule. Poor Dexter does not stand a chance.

  2. One of the resident rabboots, Thistle, once chased off Billy when he went to try and attack Whizz and Dusty. Whee don’t know what whee would call him though…
    The Pigs xx

  3. mollieandalfie

    It’z me Courze Dog’z rule and Cat’z drool Bawahwhahhhaha xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. Of course CATS rule….always will……bravest thing I’ve done? Maybe allowing the neighborhood mooch cat Stevie to sniff my bum. That was brave. My Cherokee name? Chief Napsalot !

    Hugs, Sam

  5. Doggies must rule! It’s because of barking. It makes us sound tough. I was brave once when there was a pink party balloon tied to a shrub outside. I bravely walked past it. Actually, Mom dragged me past it, but still…..

    Love and licks,

  6. Hmmmm I think here it is the kitties and the dogs and the sheep with us humans a close last to dead last…and yes Forrest is Chief snake wrestler…Doc is He who seeks cat nuggets…I rest my case đŸ˜‰ hugs and lovies Fozziemum xxxx đŸ™‚

  7. CATS rule the internet! MOL! As for Dakota’s “Cherokee” name? His name “Dakota” is already American Indian (not sure what tribe), so I am leaving it as “Dakota!”

  8. I’m th boss in my crib, dad thinks otherwise but he is on the wrong track… and he is a lion, that’s a cat too :o) The bravest thing I did was to chase an intruder away (I noticed to late that it was the post-guy). Think my name could be : Muddy Mole :o)

  9. We don’t talk to dogs as all they want to go is sniff your bottom!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. It’s all about the doggies with bloggies:-)
    Wow Oscar you were brave. Cats sometimes sit on the shed and I try to tempt them down to play with them but none of them have so far:-(

  11. Oscar, I worry about you buddy. Umm…can someone wake Archie up and send him over to my blog…I am shring my picnik award with him

  12. Oscar pal, you had best be very, very careful!

  13. Cats Rule of course!! And everfin’ meez do is brave. đŸ™‚
    Wif Much Luv,

  14. Eko’s top dog around these parts. And he is willing to put up with all my antics, something no cat would ever put up with.

  15. Dances with Dogs…. I LIKE THAT!


  16. da tabbies o trout towne

    CATZ ROOL…N oscar…dood…best be dancin on guard buddy…..

  17. Timmy charges in whenever there is a cat chase in our house. The problem is he jumps in to chase the one being bullies and not protect so… He must be Timmy Eagle Eye with Skunk Smell MOL

  18. Rachel I accept your apology and hope you understand that even though friends of yours in the blog community may not always agree with your ideas they would not intentionally be malicious to you or anyone as it is not in my or their nature. Important lesson here is there are two sides to every story and even though Stella and I chose to remain quiet on our side of the story which we still stand by we would like to put an end to this matter once and for all, so playtime is over for humans and now let’s get back to our fur balls stories and sharing xx

  19. We KNEW it! Cats rule, dogs drool, right? MOL đŸ˜† xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino đŸ™‚

  20. Cats rule…of course! Was there any question???

  21. Cats rule at our house. Mine are indoor cats but; I have one who climbs anything. His name would probably be crazy cat with no fear. LOL.
    Sue B

  22. Judy & C.A.T.S

    Cats rule, dogs drool. We haven’t done anything brave. We have met our dog cousins but we are afraid of them. Our neighbor has a cute little Yorkie. Mom says she is a nice dog but we are afraid of her too. (Yes, that is embarrassing). Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)

  23. Most of them could be named “Stares Down a Mouse.” We’ll have to put on our thinking caps for others. And of course, there’s the old saying, “Cats rule, dogs drool.” But who rules the blogosphere? We follow mostly kitty blogs and few dog and other four-legger blogs, so we guess we’ll just go with what “The Guardian” says since it puts us kitties on top. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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