New dressing gown

Mum has a new dressing gown and guess who loves it

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I have to show you this next photo of me with mum’s friend Viv who has the most weird feet I have ever seen 🙂

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Posted on 02/01/2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Whoa!!!!! Where can I get my Mom some of those!! She would totally luvluvluv them!! she may be older than dirt, but she still has a sense of humor!!! just sayin’…paw pats, Savvy…off to bed with the old lady…

  2. Ooo that dressing gown does look comfy!!

  3. I can use some toe gloves, I guess. Archie, you look fantastic on that gown 🙂

  4. Oooh! Psychodelic feet!!! The dressing gown should be furred just nicely now!!

  5. Looks like a cosy dressing gown:-)

  6. Human’s get the silliest things sometimes (like those socks), but the dressing gown looks like a sensible gift for a human with a sleepy cat.

  7. That sure looks like a great place to catch a comfy!

  8. BOL loving the socks 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. LUV the socks ~ LOL!

  10. HA! I’m glad to know my Mom isnt’ the only human who has those wacky socks! However, my Mom’s are balled up in the BACK of her sock drawer and she never wears them……I think it was quite nice for your Mom to donate her new dressing gown to NAPTIME!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    • mmmm it is so cosy and we get a bonus because mum has given Henry and I her old one for the study chair, so we have our own dressing gown now 🙂 happy moggies

  11. I’ve never been able to wear those socks, but a friend of mine even wears the shoes with separate toes, or Ninja shows I think they call them.

  12. YowArchie, you iz doin a purrfect job of furrin da new robe!!! Mum got a black turtleneck n me tried to fur it fer her! She grabbed it quick n hung it up 😦 Furballz to dat!!!!!!
    Da sockz are way cool!!!! Maybe me shuud get me Mum some n dens she can gibe me dat t-neck to fur!!! MOL!!!! xo Nylablue.

    • Hardly any black can be warn around Archie. Even if he is not in same room the colour is like a magnet for any loose hair not hoovered up lol 🙂

      • MOL me understandz fer shure!!! Whenever Mum putz black clothez on me ALWAYZ triez to fur her befur goin out!!!!! 😉
        Mum also sayz she getz fur on her eben if she getz out of da house befur me furz her!!!! MOL!!!!!

  13. Chancy and Mumsy (Mag)

    Wow, those are some very colorful feet. Hugs and nose kisses

  14. Oooo, snuggly! Both of them (but we likes the toe sock best)! Purrs…

  15. New stuff to sleep on, dressing gown or whatever, is always cool! Those socks rock!

  16. OH MY GOSH! I haven’t seen socks in forever, with the little toes!So cute! Archie, you would find the nicest new thing your mom got and turn it into your own personal bed, luckily your so cute doing it!

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